Waste of money to start job preparation at year 10
Waste of money to start job preparation at year 10 The NDIA are going to start investing in disability employment services a year earlier, in year 10. This will be…
Waste of money to start job preparation at year 10 The NDIA are going to start investing in disability employment services a year earlier, in year 10. This will be…
‘Ruled out’ by disability employment services? While I applaud the initiative and determination from the parents of this young man on the autism spectrum, at the same time I am…
No need to include Disability Employment Services in the Royal Commission For the record, we don’t need to include Disability Employment Services (DES) in the Royal Commission. All we need…
Attitudinal change leads to meaningful reform It’s well known that I’m against quotas. They’re discriminatory, paternalistic and humiliating. And they don’t work! Quite simply, quotas don’t change the number of…
Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 5 Support middle management to understand, implement and assess progress So now you’ve: Well done! You’ve created the framework for an inclusive workplace.…
Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 4 Regularly invest in staff training So, you’ve devised and are implementing a well-documented plan. You’re incorporating inclusion principles across all of the…
Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 3 Create opportunities for cross-functional interaction among the team The critical factor for long-term integration in the workplace is social integration. We’re aiming…
Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 2 Incorporate inclusion principles across all of the business So you’ve completed step 1: made and documented your Now it’s time to incorporate…
Quotas are discriminatory I’ve heard renewed calls for the introduction of quotas recently, both in state governments and the arts. While the idea of a quota system may be beguiling,…
Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 1 Devise a well-documented plan I suggest taking the following five steps to ensure you plan, implement and review a solid inclusion policy.…