People with disability can’t work
‘People with disability can’t work.’ Not true.
‘People with disability don’t want to work.’ Not true.
‘People with disability should be protected in sheltered workshops.’
Where do these ridiculous notions come from?
Unfortunately, they come from within the disability services industry, as well as without.
In my thirty years of experience finding award-wage jobs for people with disability, I have encountered very few people who fit the myth of being unable or unwilling to work.
People with disability want to work. People with disability can work. At NOVA Employment, five more people started work today. In 2016 more than 1000 people with disability were placed into open employment by my staff.
What we need to do is get out of their way. That’s each and every one of us – individuals and government, employers and parents, carers and your regular person on the street. Disability service providers, in particular, need to life their game.
– Martin Wren