Five steps to workplace inclusion – step 2
Incorporate inclusion principles across all of the business
So you’ve completed step 1: made and documented your Now it’s time to incorporate inclusion principles across all of the business.
A united approach is vital. If the business attempts inclusion in one department but not others, you can expect unrest.
Success comes from your senior management:
· Being open to all questions and ideas from the floor
· Expecting to have to remind, coax and insist that the steps towards inclusion are a vital part of their roles and your business.
Most importantly, be mindful of the knock-on effects of the planned change. For example, you hire Fred, who can’t drive because of epilepsy. What’s the effect on the rest of the staff early Monday when parts need to be picked up from suppliers lest you have no material for assembly day?
If you need to remember why you’re putting in all this effort towards creating an inclusive workplace. For practical steps around making an inclusive workplace.
Finally, draw on the wisdom of your team. The answers will be there.
– Martin Wren